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iSheriff Web Security
Complete Web Protection

iSheriff web security

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iSheriff Web Security
iSheriff Web Security
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Complete Web Protection

iSheriff’s cloud-based security is the simplest and most cost-effective way to protect your data and devices from digital threats. Delivered as a continuously updated cloud service that is easy to deploy and manage from a single pane-of-glass console, iSheriff provides advanced multi-layered threat protection to keep your organization secure.

Malware Protection
Sophisticated dynamic anomaly detection, file inspection and traffic modeling help protect your organization from viruses, botnets, spyware, browser exploits and other advanced threats.

Compliance Enforcement
Easily define and enforce content usage policies, with comprehensive alerting and forensic compliance reporting capabilities.

Off-network Protection
Complete security protection for users and their devices outside of the network perimeter, regardless of their location around the globe.

Data Leakage Prevention
Control the distribution of confidential information and ensure compliance with data security policies and regulations.

iSheriff Web Security is a cloud-based Internet filtering and Web 2.0 security service. It provides your users with a safe and secure Internet connection, protected from threats and malware, while ensuring that Web browsing is appropriate and complies with your acceptable use policies.

Why do I need Web Security?

Web 2.0 has transformed Internet use from a once static resource into a rich and dynamic collaboration experience. Unlike the past where Websites were tightly controlled, the content of many of today’s Websites - like Facebook and YouTube - relies on the contributions of millions of Internet users. The negative effect of this change is that organizations can no longer implicitly trust supposedly ‘legitimate’ sites as safe and free of malicious content.

Traditional Web security solutions such as URL filtering and signature based anti-virus, while still important, are no longer effective protection on their own. The Web 2.0 environment demands realtime protection which can analyze continuously evolving Web content and keep pace with Web-based applications in a constant state of flux.

Incoming Web threats are not the only concern. With millions of Web users now actively contributing Web content through ‘tweets’, blogs, webmail, video and social networking sites, organizations need to be monitoring their outbound Web content now more than ever. Most organizations place a special significance on their intellectual property and sensitive data which is susceptible to data leakage via the Web. You need to be certain that Internet use is safe, secure, productive and appropriate..

The Many Advantages of iSheriff Cloud Security

iSheriff provides your organization with a versatile and flexible Web security platform – enabling you to protect your users anywhere and on any Web-capable device. As a hosted solution, iSheriff enables considerable advantages over traditional in-house security solutions:

  • Instant Deployment – connect to the service and you’re immediately up and running.
  • No Upfront Expenditure – no need to purchase capital and no obsolete hardware.
  • Predictable Costs To Suit Any Organization – iSheriff Cloud Security has a subscription fee - instead of upfront costs – making security affordable to organizations of all sizes.
  • Enterprise-Class Security – you gain the benefit of top email and Web security infrastructure thanks to economies of scale.
  • The Experts Work For You – your email traffic is managed 24/7 by Internet security experts and modelled against other networks to detect traffic anomalies.
  • Save Bandwidth And Resources – control access to bandwidth heavy sites and applications such as YouTube – which our research has shown to consume 75%-90% of most typical organization’s bandwidth.
  • Strength In Numbers – you gain the shared benefits of being part of a larger security community.
  • Zero Administration - No tedious upgrades, no maintenance requirements; you always have the latest and best protection.


Key Features

iSheriff Web Security enables comprehensive security yet is simple and easy to use. Our services target a range of Web-based threats and security concerns:

  • Mobile Security – because iSheriff Web Security is cloud-based, protection and policies can be applied to your users anywhere and on any device – in the office, on the road or at home / on a laptop or workstation.
  • URL Filtering – utilizing a layered approach, the service employs the latest range of Web filtering technologies including real-time content analysis and behavioral modelling in conjunction with over 50 constantly updated categories of millions of websites to enable you to control access to related Web content.
  • Anti-Virus & Malware – the service incorporates traditional anti-virus technology, sophisticated dynamic anomaly detection and behavioral modelling systems to protect your organization from viruses, botnets, spyware, browser exploits and other Web 2.0 threats.
  • Application Control – gain control over popular Web 2.0 applications such as Social Networking, Streaming Media and Web-based messaging.
  • Bandwidth Control – manage your Internet bandwidth consumption and control unnecessary or non-business use. With flexible, policy-based control you can place restrictions on specific users or at particular times of day when you need to ensure you are getting the most from your bandwidth.
  • Inbound & Outbound Policy Compliance – actively monitor your acceptable use policies and ensure appropriate use of Web resources, block inappropriate conduct and prohibited content which could potentially create legal liability risk and ensure a safe and productive workplace for your employees.
  • Security & Compliance Reporting – access useful and easy to understand reports on your Internet activity and threats. Graphical summaries are provided as well as in-depth reports to help you investigate specific events or user activity. You can run reports by site, category, user, bandwidth and by threat type across a wide range of time periods. iSheriff reports allow you to measure the real benefits of Web Security and demonstrate the return on your dollar.
  • Directory Synchronization – iSheriff provides automated user account directory synchronization to streamline administration and save you time and effort. iSheriff supports all common directory formats including Active Directory and LDAP.

Features & Benefits

  • Content Filtering
    Dynamically protects your network and devices against security threats and ensures your users comply with acceptable use policies.
  • Security & Compliance Reporting
    Extensive and easy to understand canned reports and graphs, in addition to granular and customizable forensic reporting.
  • Application Control
    Control access to, and usage of, Web 2.0 applications including social networking, streaming media and Web-based communications.
  • Policy Enforcement
    Block pornography, violence, hate speech and other inappropriate Web content.
  • Data Leakage Prevention
    Control the distribution of sensitive data or private information and control who can upload important files or post sensitive content online.
  • Anti-malware Security
    Sophisticated dynamic anomaly detection, file inspection and traffic modeling to protect your organization from advanced threats.
  • Bandwidth Control
    Manage your Internet bandwidth consumption and control unnecessary or non-business use.
  • Directory Integration
    Simple integration with major directory services, such as Active Directory, make it easy to set up and maintain user accounts and authentication.


Malware Protection

Today’s Internet environment presents organizations with a new set of dynamic security challenges. Effective Internet security solutions must be able to analyze Internet content in real-time and reliably assess the nature of that content. This is especially true of Web-borne threats.

Traditional anti-malware solutions, which rely on constant and timely updates to remain effective, are insufficient against the latest Internet security threats. iSheriff applies a cohesive, multi-faceted approach to Web threats by employing multiple layers of security in a unique three-stage approach:

threat analyzer


iSheriff Web Security employs a patented dynamic data modeling engine to analyze and predict the presence of malicious code and browser exploits.

  • Real-time detection of active code anomalies
  • Traffic monitoring, analysis and benchmarking to detect changing patterns
  • Data modeling compares data patterns against known models to ensure authenticity
  • Active behavioural analysis of site content
  • All data modeling and real-time content analysis is performed in over a dozen languages


iSheriff actively blocks Web threats in real-time by using data correlation across Web, endpoint and email vectors for millions of users around the world.

  • MIME-based identification of file types to prevent download or activation of misrepresented files
  • Dynamic classification of Web content means that once Web content is identified as a threat, it is blocked immediately
  • Real-time correlation of threat intelligence across Web and email traffic, and endpoint behavior
  • iSheriff dynamically accesses the status of URLs and prevents access to infected portions of popular Websites


iSheriff threat analysis is extremely fast, providing complete content analysis in microseconds and no discernable delay in delivery of Web content.

  • High performance malware scanning is applied to reliably detect known malware
  • Code analysis of suspicious files reveals potentially malicious activity
  • Outbound connections are constantly monitored and traffic to known botnet servers is disrupted and reported on

Compliance Enforcement

iSheriff Web Security provides powerful and comprehensive compliance enforcement capabilities, enabling you to easily define and enforce policies.


iSheriff Web Security enables you to simply and easily define Web content policies.

  • Regulatory Compliance (SOX, HIPPA, PCI, etc.)
  • Corporate access policy
  • Acceptable use standards
  • Block offensive Web content
  • Control access to non-business content


iSheriff provides sophisticated technologies to ensure policy compliance, as well as useful and appropriate notification systems to advise your organization of policy breaches or non-compliance situations.

  • Notification of policy breaches
  • Real-time dashboards
  • Monitor in-bound & out-bound traffic

compliance enforcer


Actively enforce policy compliance and control access to a wide range of Web content, including Websites, applications and files.

  • Automatic policy enforcement
  • Comprehensive and highly versatile access policies
  • Policy-based bandwidth quotas
  • User-based content and application access
  • Eliminate attempts to circumvent policy


iSheriff provides easy-to-use tools for detailed analysis of Internet usage and reporting on policy compliance.

  • Comprehensive Reporting
  • User-level forensic analysis
  • Content, site and application reports
  • Attempted breach analysis

Off-network Protection

More often than not, today’s users are accessing the Internet from outside the safe confines of the corporate network. The reality is that remote users are typically no longer bound by VPN or MPLS restrictions.

In fact, many businesses have moved their IT infrastructure entirely to the cloud, eliminating the concept of the network perimeter altogether. This means that devices are wide open to infection, putting the sensitive applications and files they are accessing at a significant risk of being compromised.

iSheriff solves this problem by delivering complete security protection for users and their devices outside of the network perimeter, regardless of their location around the globe. iSheriff operates the world’s largest cloud security network, comprising 25 data centers that ensure global redundancy and scalability.

The iSheriff data centers are connected to our global private backbone network, with over 1,000 points of access around the globe. The iSheriff endpoint client automatically detects whether a device is on or off the network, automatically routing the user to the nearest access point and ensuring the highest level of performance.

Data Leakage Prevention

iSheriff enforces content policies to ensure that sensitive data does not leave your organization through the Web or via email. Policy choices include Payment Card Industry (PCI-DSS), Private Health Information (PHI), Social Security Data and Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Certain file types and extensions may be specified for blocking on an outbound or inbound basis. Protection can also be enforced across HTTPS connections.

Policies can be configured with a couple of clicks, and then they’re automatically enforced across designated user groups through all email and Web activities.

The iSheriff cloud scans all outgoing and incoming data to automatically enforce data policies, blocking and reporting on any attempted transmissions of sensitive information.


Download the iSheriff Cloud Security Datasheet (PDF).


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iSheriff Web Security
iSheriff Web Security
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